Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Konsumen Cerdas Paham Perlindungan Konsumen

Konsumen Cerdas Paham Perlindungan Konsumen
<p><a href="http://arifpoetrayunar.blogspot.com/2013/03/konsumen-cerdas-paham-perlindungan.html">Konsumen Cerdas Paham Perlindungan Konsumen</a> - Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Indonesia never clogged improving supervision of goods deliver lying on non-food products and food. During addition to defending consumers, unremitting monitoring will produce a healthy industry climate in the country. Thus confirmed Deputy Trade Minister Bayu Krisnamurthi when announcing the results of monitoring circulation of goods and services in the office of the Ministry of Commerce in January 2013.
"Supervision is too ended to hearten amplified construction and utilize of domestic harvest and to prevent bazaar distortions from the circulation of imported harvest that do not comply with applicable regulations," whispered Wamendag.
Meanwhile, Director General of Standardization and Consumer Protection Nus Nuzulia Isaac too believes the equal. He alleged the government's oversight responsibility in changeable circulation of goods and services persist to subsist ended in organize to increase the quality of consumer protection. Currently there are numerous possessions and services circulating in the community who violate the rules of the government.
At least, the Phase VI close watch conducted during November - December 2012 and was create 100 harvest that allegedly does not conform rules. Of the 100 harvest are as numerous as 8 of them allegedly infringing product associated food of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), 29 harvest allegedly violate Manual and Warranty Card (MKG), 62 harvest so-called of violating the provisions of the label in Indonesian, as glowing as 1 harvest that do not comply giving out of prohibited products.
While the results of monitoring agreed out by the Ministry of Trade as a whole all through the period of the year 2012 has create 621 products that allegedly act not comply. The number of findings increased by 28 for every product than in 2011. From the findings of the 61% is imported and 39% is twisted domestically.
Based lying on the type of infraction by 34% of the products allegedly sullied the terms of ISO, allegedly sullied MKG 22%, 43% alleged violation of label in Indonesian, and 1% thought the product did not assemble the requirements of prohibited distribution.
<a href="http://www.arifyunar.com/">APY Blog</a> While based lying on the products that allegedly act not comply, as a good deal as 39% of a product of electronic and electrical tools, 20% of household products, 13% products of auto parts, and the relax is construction textile harvest, provisions harvest and beverages Textiles and Clothing ( TPT).
The steps that have been full as a pursue up and about of the findings, ie meant for a criminal felony, as a good deal as 2 harvest have been submitted to the Attorney (P21), 3 the product can not persist for the reason that the expect died, and some harvest are unmoving in investigation.
<a href="http://arifpoetrayunar.blogspot.com/2013/03/konsumen-cerdas-paham-perlindungan.html">Konsumen Cerdas Paham Perlindungan Konsumen</a> As meant for administrative violations, has ended a printed word of warning to the businesses of 348 products, order withdrawal of 8 harvest, progress of the association, as glowing as occupation the businesses for the purpose of investigation and information gathering.
Wamendag explained that as an effort to realize a added optimal consumer protection, the Ministry of Trade has locate two targets circulating goods monitoring program in 2013.
First, the Ministry of Trade will boost the effectiveness of Supervision of Circulated in border areas through the Integrated Supervision of Supply (TPBB), periodic supervision / special, smash into list, management implementation of the label in Indonesian and MKG, and distribution control.
Second, the Ministry of Trade will optimize the quality of law enforcement through amplified coordination and facilitation of law enforcement officers Civil Servant Consumer Protection (PPNS-PK) in the area.

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