Sunday, April 21, 2013

hemorrhoid cure india

1 comment:

  1. If you want to try something less dramatic than surgery first check this out: What is the main cause of hemorrhoids? Straining right? So how to lessen the strain? Diet will help of course but may take time and be hard to change. A quick immediate approach is to find a way to get things moving with the internal plumbing and one approach would be an enema. That will work but it's time consuming and awkward. Another way: try the Hand Held Bidet Sprayer at Besides delivering simply superior hygiene it can also be used to shoot a quick power shot of water up the pipes. And just like priming a pump (for those too young to know what that means Google it or ask an older person) the water will loosen things up and get them moving, without straining. Simple, fast and easy and logical, not a "miracle cure".
